Invited to the King's Table

We all have those days when the weight of our past seems greater than God’s promises for our future. Maybe you’ve struggled with thoughts like, “How could God ever love someone like me?” Or, “I haven’t done enough good to be worthy of God’s blessings.”

Do you know you aren’t alone in thinking this way? In fact, I’ve spoken with hundreds of people who are lugging around heavy baggage from their past.

But what if I told you that God doesn't think about you this way? And there's a royal invitation with your name on it - a place at the King's table just waiting for you!

Contracts vs. Covenants: Knowing the Difference

The first thing you have to know and accept is that there is a major difference between a contract and a covenant with God. And God is all about His covenant with you!

In a contract, everything is transactional and performance-based, so when you approach God with a contract mindset, you will always be faced with the reality that you are never going to be good enough to earn salvation. It’s impossible, and that’s a beautiful thing! Why? Because, like I said, God desires covenant relationship with you!

In God’s covenant, His love for you isn’t based on how well you perform. It’s about what He has done for you through Jesus Christ. It’s sealed in blood - perfect and unbreakable.

The Covenant of Grace

Romans 5:1 says that because of Jesus' sacrifice, you have a right relationship with God. It's a free gift, not something you can earn or achieve through your own righteousness.

Ephesians 2:8 makes it even clearer: "God saved you by HIS grace when you believed. AND YOU CAN’T TAKE CREDIT FOR THIS; it is a GIFT from God."

Mephibosheth's Story: From Hiding to Honored

In 2 Samuel 9, we meet Mephibosheth, the crippled grandson of King Saul and the son of Jonathan. Mephibosheth had been hiding in fear, believing that if King David ever found him then he would surely be put to death.

But what Mephibosheth didn’t know was that David had made a covenant of friendship with Jonathan which extended to their descendants, even beyond death.

Because of this covenant, David sought out Jonathan’s only known descendant, Mephibosheth, and did something amazing! David invited Mephibosheth to his own table – the king’s table, restored his family's property, and treated him like a son.

Remember, this wasn’t because of anything Mephibosheth had done – it was all because of the covenant between David and Jonathan.

God's Invitation to You

You might see yourself like Mephibosheth – crippled by fear, shame, or the pain and trauma imposed on you by another.

But God sees you as an heir, and He is actively seeking to restore you to your rightful place as His child! He wants to restore you, heal you, and bring you into His family.

But here's the challenge: We sometimes struggle to fully receive God’s restoration. Mephibosheth’s response to David’s generosity is often how we respond to God’s invitation: “Who is your servant, that you should show such kindness to a dead dog like me?” (2 Samuel 9:8)

This is obviously a man who has been beaten down most of his life, and some of you can identify with his past, so I need you to hear what about I’m about to tell you…


Your ability to receive any aspect of God’s goodness is directly linked to how you see yourself. If you continue to identify more with your failures than with your position as an heir of God’s kingdom, you limit what you are willing to receive from Him.

Aren’t you ready to shift your perspective? Colossians 1:21-22 says that in Christ, you are holy, flawless, and restored.

It's not about what you've done, but about what He has done! Covenant with God through Jesus is not dependent on your performance but on His perfect sacrifice and unwavering love for you.

Living in the Covenant

So, how do you start living in this amazing covenant relationship? Here are a few ideas:

  • Ditch the Contract Mentality: Stop trying to earn God's love and start receiving it.
  • Know Who You Are: Read your Bible and discover your true identity in Christ..
  • Challenge Negative Thoughts: When you feel unworthy, remind yourself of God's truth – He sees you as holy and redeemed.
  • Share the Love: Like David sought out Mephibosheth, look for ways to show God’s loving kindness to others.

Your Invitation Awaits

You are not defined by your past, your mistakes, or the pain you've experienced. You are defined by your relationship with God. You are an heir to His kingdom, invited to His table of blessing and friendship.

This week, repeat this truth: "I am in covenant with God and am free from the pain imposed on me by another. The more I understand my position as an heir, the more I live like one. God calls me to His table of provision and friendship. I boldly come and take my place."

It's time to step into the fullness of your covenant identity and receive all that God has for you. Your past no longer defines you. Your weaknesses do not disqualify you.

In Christ, you are loved, accepted, and blessed beyond measure. Accept this truth and expect it to transform your life.